Our Investors

Georgia Capital shareholders allocation by geography

As of 30 September 2024

1      UK also includes Channel Islands.
2      USA also includes Cayman Islands.
3      Management shares include vested and unvested awarded shares and unawarded shares for management.

Georgia Capital Top Shareholders

As of 30 September 2024

Rank Shareholder Name Ownership
1. Management & Management Trust1 15.08%
2. Gemsstock Ltd 8.06%
3. Allan Gray Ltd 8.05%
4. Lazard Asset Management LLC 7.11%

Eaton Vance

6. Coeli Frontier Markets AB 4.81%

Firebird Management LLC

8. Halcyon Portfolio Management 2.35%
9. RWC 2.21%
10. JP Morgan International Bank Ltd 1.75%

1      Management & Management Trust includes shares directly held by the management (5.9%), shares held by the trust (4.7%) and unvested shares for the management (4.6%).