A Responsible Employer

At Georgia Capital we recognise that how we work and who we work with is fundamental to our success as a business. We aim to attract, retain and develop the best talent available, and provide a safe and productive environment for our employees to work in.

Our employees

Recruiting, developing and retaining talent are among our most important priorities. We work towards that objective by communicating openly with our employees, providing training and opportunities for career advancement, rewarding our employees fairly and encouraging employees to give direct feedback to senior management.

The Group has developed and implemented Human Resource (HR) policies and procedures which promote the key principles, areas, approaches and methods that are crucial for building human capital management systems at each business level and at Georgia Capital level in line with the relevant policies.

Talent Attraction, Training and Development

Sustained development of the Group’s businesses requires the strengthening of teams, both by using the Group’s own significant internal resources through staff development and rotation and by attracting external candidates. Our Recruitment Policy and relevant control procedures ensure an unbiased hiring process that provides equal employment opportunities for all candidates.

Gender diversity

Georgia Capital is fully committed to providing equal opportunities as an employer and prohibits unlawful and unfair discrimination. We believe that there are great benefits to be gained from having a diverse workforce. We seek to ensure that our corporate culture and policies, particularly our HR policies, create an inclusive work environment that helps to bring out the best in our employees. Georgia Capital’s Diversity Policy establishes a commitment to eliminating unlawful and unfair discrimination and values the differences that a diverse workforce brings to the organisation. The Board embraces diversity in all its forms. For our Diversity policy, please refer to the page: https://georgiacapital.ge/governance/cgf/policies.

Occupational Health and Safety

Ensuring the safety of the workplace and providing healthy working conditions are amongst the Group’s fundamental HR management principles. The Group pays particular attention to preventative measures, such as conducting regular staff training and medical check-ups, certifying workplaces and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Consistent with these principles, Georgia Capital has engaged a safety consultancy company that provides a dedicated safety inspector. Our safety consultant ensures systematic monitoring to guarantee compliance with globally accepted standards.

Human Rights Policy

We recognise the importance of observing human rights and are committed to implementing socially responsible business practices. Our Human Rights Policy establishes priorities and puts control procedures in place to provide equal opportunities and prevent discrimination or harassment on any grounds, including disabilities.

Code of Conduct and Ethics and Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

The Group has a Code of Conduct and Ethics, as well as an Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy, which are applicable to the Group companies. As an organization that is fully committed to the prevention of bribery and corruption, the Group ensures that appropriate internal controls are in place and operating effectively. Copies of these policies can be found on the Group’s website: https://georgiacapital.ge/governance/cgf/policies.