NAV Calculator

NAV Statement

CGEO and BGEO prices are updated every 15 minutes. The exchange rate is updated daily based on the official exchange rates published by NBG.

* GCAP’s holding in Lion Finance Group as of 31-Dec-24.
** Lion Finance Group multiple is calculated based on the latest trading price and LTM 31-Dec-24 figures.
*** Private portfolio companies and net other assets / liabilities are valued as of 31-Dec-24, Lion Finance Group is valued at the latest trading price. Net debt is presented as of 13 March 2025.
**** Shares outstanding are stated as of 13 March 2025, net of total unawarded shares in management trust.
***** The independent valuations of the large and investment portfolio companies are performed on a semi-annual basis. In 4Q24, our private large and investment portfolio companies were valued externally by a third-party independent valuation firm.